Walnut Benefits: 10 Health Advantages & Nutrition Facts
Walnut serve as both a tasty treat and a nutritionally powerful food that delivers multiple health advantages. People commonly call walnut a "superfood" because they contain many essential nutrients that support general health and well-being. This article investigates the many advantages of walnuts and examines their nutritional content while showing you how to add them to your diet for optimal health benefits. What Are Walnuts? Walnuts are the seeds of the Juglans tree—technically not true nuts, but who’s splitting hairs? They grow inside a tough shell, and once you crack it open, you get that brain-like kernel packed with walnut benefits. There are two main types you’ll find: English walnuts (milder and common) and black walnuts (bolder and rarer). From Roman emperors to contemporary health nuts, they have been a mainstay for centuries. What ancient people instinctively knew—that walnuts are a wealth
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